Friday, 21 October 2016

New Birth and Old Age

Hallo again, well its far from daily my ramblings, but since no one seems to be reading, maybe no one has noticed yet**

It is now October 13th and we are awaiting the birth of our first great grandchild, a little boy due on the 25th of this month.If my granddaughter Charlotte, is anything like I was, he will arrive later rather than sooner... It is very strange to think I shall soon be a great grandmother.. that would be like seeing my own one who had lived in the 19th century and was long dead before I arrived. With health issues and all, every generation seems to live a little longer, which is great one way and not so good as over crowding on this planet seems to be getting to be quite an issue. Of course we say we cannot feed all the millions already here, but when another little body is coming to join your own family, it is a source of joy and happiness that you are aware of, not doom at the human race overpopulating this earth!

 I had my daughter when I was just 23 and she had her daughter at 20, so we are fairly young mothers in the family,but Charlotte is all of 27 so much older than her mother was at starting a family.  I trust that the little one will enjoy good health all his life and be happy and make his own way without too many trials and hardships.. but the earth that we are gifting to them has a lot of problems that will be a lot worse when he gets to adulthood. I would love to think that I will be around to know him as a young man, but that is highly unlikely as I am now past my seventh decade,only by one year, but always it was said 'to live two score years and ten' which I now have. If I was lucky to survive until he reached thirty I would be over 100!!!!

Apart from quite a few health issues, I do manage to keep a positive spin on most things and I have been so blessed with having five wonderful children who love me as much as I have loved all of them and it is so magical to see them interact with their own children... It is difficult to really believe that they are all grown up and now their own children are all into or approaching adulthood!!