Friday, 2 December 2016

The long days to Christmas begin**

I guess that no one has stumbled across this blog of mine, and yet the last one had many followers for which I was very grateful.. stupidly I thought they might have followed me over, but no one  seemingly has, or if they had, they are not interested in seeing what I have to post.... ah well, I am going to carry on anyway...

It is now galloping towards the Xmas time when all is merry and bright... but for so many it will not be any pleasure for them. Like those poor Syrian people being bombed out of existence whilst I write this post. I cannot for the life of me, imagine how it must be, sitting in the ruins of your house and waiting for the next air strike whilst you try and rescue your family from the debris. It has been going on for too long. It is utter slaughter, just to find the insurgents that are lost in the search for Isis. This terror group of course lives amongst the other normal citizens and now they must be slaughtered because they were amongst them.. then you have the faction who are trying to over throw the government of Syria, who also are insurgents, but according to the west, are the good guys but the actual government think are also terrorists.. the Kurds. Yes they do want to establish their own homeland and government, but only after they have settled the question of the Isis terrorists... what a huge mess that is, with Russia siding with the government and the west, with the kurds*** I feel for them, and know it doesn't feel like Xmas there at all. nor will it ever be..

I have recently become a great grandmother which gives me great joy, although the parents do not marry until June next, they are very happy and he is healthy, so all good. I would have preferred the marriage first, but this seems to be the way of the world.... so far..

In Canada, times are getting better and more relationships being mended, which also is good news... and everyone else seems to be in a good place also. This Xmas I spend the lunch on my own with my husband and then my daughter and youngest come over to spend the rest of the day with us, staying over night... the next day my granddaughter and her fiance and baby arrive to spend the day with us and then they all return to Oxford where they live.  I might be seeing my other boys too, the two of them live away, one in London one in Oxford.. so they might turn up too... we shall certainly make face time to speak and see our daughter in Canada and her family and then talk our son in Australia and catch up with him and his family on facetime too... marvellous this technology!!!

so now begins the countdown to the days of Xmas, and I for one cannot wait for them all to be here sharing with us the joy of the special days of Xmas..