Saturday, 8 July 2017

when should you tell your mum that you are very unwell indeed??

A week ago, my darling granddaughter got married to the man of her dreams. In going away for honeymoon, the couple had to arrange for a babysitter for their eight month old son, and of course my daughter, the bride's mother was co opted  into doing the service. Of course she was very happy to be able to indulge in time just with her grandson and aided and abetted by the other members of the family, baby was looked after well, whilst mum and dad went off on their dream honeymoon.

All was well, until Wednesday this last week, when, out for a walk with Johnathan David, in his pushchair, Rebecca his granny, became unwell. She had pains down her arm and felt very odd indeed, so much so, that she quickly got them home as fast as she could. She told her younger son to look after baby whilst she went for an emergency visit to the Doctor's surgery. The doctor seeing her and doing the examination, sent her to hospital immediately for tests, and she was sent their by ambulance, having first told her son at home what was happening. She was kept in overnight and so baby was taken to her other son's house where he was looked after by Nicholas's partner Clara, until Rebecca could get back home and take charge again. However, this did not happen as she was in the hospital until early this morning, which is Wednesday until today, Saturday. Meanwhile on their honeymoon in Cape Verde, baby's mum and dad were enjoying their times together and of course rang home to see how their son was doing. When Ben told her that mum was at the Doctors, and then the hospital, you can imagine how Charlotte and Jason felt hearing this news... Who was going to look after their baby and keep the routines going so he would not be upset. Charlotte managed to get to speak with her mum who assured her that she was undergoing tests, but all would be fine as Nick and Clara would be responsible until she got home later... Not knowing that she would be kept in the hospital until this morning!!!

Nick and Clara stepped up to the plate and took everything over, and looked after baby Johnathan David extremely well, considering that neither had children, or experience of looking after them!!

Away in Cape Verde, it must have felt a very long way away not being able to see their baby boy and worrying about mum.... The honeymoon ends on Tuesday when they return, and Rebecca is feeling so much better now having done all the tests and been told that the 'episode ' she had on Wednesday had not caused any damage, that everything seemed to be fine, and just to take asprin and another drug every day for the rest of her life to safeguard against it happening again..

We are all very very relieved that Rebecca is ok again, but I am a bit lost how I feel about not knowing until it was all over.* Like she said, I could not do anything but worry, and she didnt want me getting upset and stressing over it.. I know that this is probably how I would have dealt with the situation if I had been at the heart of it, leaving it until it was over to tell my mother, but I am sure that I would have liked to know as well whilst going on... what do you think?